This program and website are still in the development stages, however the application for individuals to join the Indigenous Women+ Council is now open and can be accessed here. Please email if you have any questions.


The Pacific Association of First Nations’ Women (PAFNW) will increase its ability to prevent and address gender-based violence (GBV) against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people, with a focus on strengthening the PAFNW Indigenous Women's Council sustainability through training and capacity building. This will be achieved by conducting a gap analysis to assess organizational learning needs; designing, developing, and implementing training and resource materials on conflict management, grant writing, and other emerging topics; creating an on-line toolkit to support PAFNW’s capacity and succession planning; and networking with Indigenous organizations and matriarchs in other communities to share capacity development resources and encourage collaboration. 

By the end of the project, the Pacific Association of First Nations’ Women will have strengthened their capacity to prevent and address GBV against Indigenous women, and girls, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people with a focus on organizational sustainability and capacity development to better prevent violence through trauma-based conflict management skills. 


Development of the PAFNW Indigenous Women+ Council with careful planning and execution (Purpose and intended achievements; who should be a part of the council, who are the stakeholders that need to be involved in the council’s activities, identifying key individuals and organizations that can contribute to the council’s mission; establishing structure and governance, will there be a chair or a president? How will decisions be made? How often will the council meet, developing a plan of action for the council including short-term and long-term goals which will guide the council’s activities and measure its progress; Communicate the purpose, goals, and plan of action for the council to stakeholders and the broader community, engaging individuals and organizations to ensure that they understand the council's purpose and are supportive of its activities; Seeking guidance and support, seeking support from experts or other experienced individuals or mentors or advisors who can provide guidance and support.)


Provide opportunities around topics such as Safety & Choice, Fundraising Management, Grant Writing, Government Funding Applications, and Board Management Skills. Each year for the next 3.5 years will have themes such as Raising Self-Protection & Safety Awareness, Improving Access to Justice, Addressing Gender-Based Violence, and Raising Awareness on Youth Female Project Management.

We acknowledge and are grateful to be working within the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the
Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Peoples.
PAFNW+ is a registered non-profit society in British Columbia

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